Related initiatives

Land Value Tax

Fairer Share Campaign is a campaign that wants to replace Council Tax and Stamp Duty with a fairer, proportional property tax. It aims to create a citizen-led movement to bring the change to the tax system that is needed.

Liberal Democrat Action for Land Taxation & Economic Reform (ALTER). This campaigning group promotes better awareness of Land Value Taxation and its benefits within the liberal democrats.

Labour Land Campaign draws its membership from the Labour Party, Trades Unions and the Co-operative Party (which fields joint candidates with the Labour Party in some seats). An exploration of Land Value Taxation was included in the Labour party manifesto 2017.

The Green Party has been a consistent supporter of Land Value Taxation (as a source of local tax revenue), environmental taxes and charges, and a Citizen’s Income.  Caroline Lucas (Green Party MP) introduced a Private Members Bill on Land Value Tax in 2012-13.

Scottish Land Commission report 2022 on Land Reform and Tax: Advice to Scottish Ministers

Henry George Foundation is the main UK organisation providing research, education and advocacy for Land Value Taxation.  Its purpose is to spread understanding of the writings of Henry George.  It organises classes and conferences, publishes the magazine Land and Liberty, and the Links page on its website connects with other organisations sympathetic to Georgist thinking.  It has a ‘library group’ that meets at the School of Economic Science in London on Friday afternoons.

Universal Income

There are many organisations who now support the idea of an unconditional payment to all citizens. For more about the campaign for a Universal Basic Income in the UK see Citizen’s Basic Income Trust.

The Husbandry School

Husbandry is an ancient word which means ‘the care and management of nature and resources for living’; it’s the life-giving business of looking after the interaction between human and planet.  Set in 47 acres in the heart of the beautiful Devon countryside, The Husbandry School is the joint venture of Carole and Jonty Williams. It is a centre of learning, linking hospitality with horticulture, people with the land.

Jonty has written about the husbandry in his book, Husbandry: an ancient art for the modern world and the concept is closely aligned to with those in Stewardship Economy.